Corrosion-free and significantly lighter

GRAF is expanding its range of covers for telescopic manholes. For the first time, the cover for the 600 car telescopic manhole is made of plastic. Like the cast-iron alternative, the plastic cover can be driven over by class B vehicles up to 3.5 t weight. It is also corrosion-free and significantly lighter.

Corrosion often occurs with cast iron covers. However, homeowners do not like rust stains amidst the paving of courtyard entrances or terraces. By using a synthetic cover, this is avoided from the outset. The cover made of black synthetic material by market leader GRAF is about 75 % lighter than comparable cast covers. Weighing only 11 kg, the synthetic cover can be easily removed by one person for inspection or cleaning. To make it difficult for children to lift the cover, it can be locked with a hexagonal key. For easier removal, GRAF also offers a lifting aid.

The new 600 car telescopic manhole complements the GRAF Carat and Platin tank series and the manhole systems on offer. As usual for the market leader in rainwater utilization, the height of the manhole is infinitely adjustable and it can be tilted by up to 5°. This means that it can be adapted flush to the upper edge of the terrain. This ensures a high-quality overall appearance of the area and avoids protruding tripping edges.

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Hanna Kreutz

Hanna Kreutz
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