Rainwater against the drought

Rainwater usually seeps away unused in the sewer and causes rainwater surges. Yet the past summers have shown how important it is to use this precious resource. If rainwater is collected in underground tanks, it can cover a considerable part of the daily water demand. This not only protects the environment, but also your wallet.

Every day, a person in Germany needs around 130 litres of paid drinking water. There is great savings potential here through the use of rainwater. It is free of charge and can cover a large part of daily needs - outside and inside the house. For this purpose, the water is collected in an underground tank, for example, and from there it can be used in many ways via an independent pipe system. After all, flushing toilets, washing machines and watering flowers also work with rainwater. An additional advantage: unlike drinking water, which is usually hard, rainwater is soft and therefore gentle on household appliances and laundry.

Uncomplicated to install

Flat tanks made of plastic are particularly suitable for retrofitting a rainwater utilisation system. The Platin model from Graf has the right size depending on requirements. With the help of an online product advisor, with which local precipitation amounts and the savings potential can be calculated, the required capacity is determined. Only a small excavation is needed to install a 1,500-litre tank with dimensions of just 210 by 125 centimetres and a height of 70 centimetres. With its empty weight of 80 kilograms, two people can install the tank. A pipe system is then installed to which the household and garden irrigation are connected. A well thought-out multi-stage filter system ensures permanently high water quality. By means of a modern control system, the reliable supply of the consumers is regulated via the pipe network, the filling level in the tank is monitored and in the event of an empty tank, drinking water is fed in automatically.

Save precipitation water fee

The use of rainwater offers yet another monetary advantage. According to current case law, the discharge of wastewater and rainwater is charged separately. However, if rainwater is collected and demonstrably retained on a property, owners can ap-ply for an exemption or reduction from the rainwater charge and thus save money.

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Hanna Kreutz

Hanna Kreutz
+49 (0) 76 41/ 589 - 984


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